Mums & Bubs Reformer Classes


Mums & Bubs Reformer Classes

Our Mums & Bubs classes are led by one of our highly trained Physiotherapists. It is a connected and mindful clinical Pilates class for post-natal birthing people to feel empowered and at home in their transforming and evolving bodies.

Think: low-impact and soothing movement alongside breathing techniques, strengthening exercises, and room to just be yourself in the moment.⁠

Bubs (before toddling stage) are welcomed and encouraged to come along with you in this relaxed and nurturing environment. Class sizes 8:1 and run on Wednesday and Friday.

How to join?

  1. Book in for an initial initial Physio Assessment (30 mins) prior to joining your first group session ($65) via our website (Physiotherapy) or by calling 86574922.
  2. Once you have your assessment, book into mums & bubs reformer classes via the Mindbody App or our website.
  3. ⁠Classes can be claimed using your private health insurance after you attended. Please ask our friendly team for your invoice for claiming.

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