The Balance Blog
Allied Health Professionals On Holistic Wellbeing

Autumn Seasonal Produce: Nutrition Tips
Goodbye Summer, ‘Hallow’ Autumn Normally, when we hear the words “Fall” and “Orange,” bats, ghosts and trick-or-treat pumpkins come

Long Covid & Physiotherapy
What is long COVID? Long COVID is quite common, occuring in over 10% of COVID infections and affecting an estimated

How much exercise is enough?
Authored by Georgia Cranswick, Physiotherapist & Clinical Exercise Instructor. We all know that exercise is important, but how much is

Healthy Eating & Diet for Optimum Gut Health
1. Plant Based Foods Incorporate 30 different plant foods each week – variety is key for gut health. Plant foods

Mums & Bubs Reformer Classes
Our Mums & Bubs classes are led by one of our highly trained Physiotherapists. It is a connected and mindful

Eating Disorders and Physiotherapy
Eating disorders are a common mental illness, affecting up to 1 in 5 individuals at some stage in their life.

A Focus on Men’s Health
Father’s Day is a good reminder for us to talk about men’s health and bring awareness to health problems affecting

Treating Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow (TE), lateral elbow tendinopathy or lateral epicondylagia, is an overload injury of the forearm extensor muscles of your

Wellbeing During Menopause
Menopause is the time following our last period or menstural cycle. Menopause comes from the Greek words “menos” (which means

Managing Arthritis With Physiotherapy
Arthritis is a very common condition which affects 1 in every 6 Australians, which is more than 3.9 million adults

Understanding Endometriosis
This week (March 1-7) is endometriosis awareness week and March is international endometriosis month. This month is all about raising
Bone Health and Osteoporosis
Two-thirds of Australians over the age of 50 have osteoporosis or osteopenia (1). Osteopenia and osteoporosis are conditions where bones

Balance North x Broadsheet
Full article here Balance North Is a New Holistic Health and Wellbeing Centre – the Yin to the Below Medical

Women and Walking
Simply putting one foot in front of the
other can lead to some great benefits
for the body and soul. Here’s how to
make your walks work harder for you. Words by Brooke Le Poer Trench for Women’s Weekly, featuring our lead physio Mairead Hallissey.

Healthy Sleep
There is a growing body of evidence regarding the importance of sleep for all aspects of health and sleep deprivation

The Benefits of Physiotherapy Group Exercise Class
What is a physio group exercise class? A physio group exercise class is a small exercise class (maximum 4 people)

Pregnancy and Exercise
Should I exercise during pregnancy? Is it safe? In the past, exercise was advised against during pregnancy due to believed